Canned Food Creations & Food Drive

November 30, 2018

You’re invited to watch and contribute as student teams compete to build the most amazing snow-person creation out of canned food on Tuesday, Dec. 4 in the University Library Lobby.

The building begins at 2 p.m. and is expected to last until 7 p.m., with creations remaining on display through Thursday, Dec. 6. The festive fun will be featured in this year’s HSU holiday video.

You can vote for your favorite creation by donating canned food to the specified “ballot boxes.” 1 can = 1 vote. The winning student team will receive $150 to designate to a campus organization.

Forever Humboldt is sponsoring the event by donating the first 2,000+ cans to build the snow-people.

All donated food will be given to the Oh SNAP! student food pantry. The program currently has a need for healthy canned soup. Other preferred canned food items include: meat (chicken, fish), stews, chili, beans, fruit (in water).

Those wishing to help with lower cost food purchases, and to help the Oh SNAP! Student Food Program continue, may make one-time or recurring donations by following the link at

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