Student Success Data Presentations

August 31, 2015

Are you interested in what the data says about student success at Humboldt State? If so, you won’t want to miss three upcoming presentations by Lisa Castellino, Director of Institutional Research and Planning. I will be the moderator of all three sessions.

Bring your curiosity and listen to the story told by the student success action research project data. Castellino will provide a retrospective of undergraduate student success at HSU, based on data covering the past 10+ years.

I am pleased to have the opportunity to facilitate these special sessions, as questions raised by the data will shape the context for implementing the University’s new strategic plan.

  • Friday, September 4: Asking Better Questions, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall, College Creek
  • Friday, October 16: The Road to the Baccalaureate as traveled by Upper Division Transfer Students, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall, College Creek
  • Friday, November 20: Examining Academic and Social Integration – a Case Study of the Class of 2013, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall, College Creek

Be sure to bring pencil and paper – or other favorite note taking medium – and be thinking ahead about what you most want to know about student success at HSU.

Shortly after each presentation, we will be posting the video on our website at:

Sincerely yours,

Theodora Kalikow
Interim Provost & V.P. Academic Affairs

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