Administrative Reviews for Vice President Joyce Lopes and Vice President Craig Wruck
The following message is from the Office of the President:
In addition to the annual evaluation process, each vice president at HSU participates in an administrative review process every three years. Vice Presidents Lopes and Wruck are being reviewed this year. This process includes the opportunity for the University community to provide input. If you would like to do so, please send me an email or submit written comments to me (Siemens Hall 224) no later than March 30, 2015.
A summary of the feedback will be shared with each vice president, but the review process does not provide for individual feedback to be shared directly with the vice presidents. Instead, the information is synthesized and a balanced, representative summary will be provided to the vice president. The details for this process are on the Human Resources website:
Sincerely yours,
Lisa A. Rossbacher, Ph.D.