Expanded Use of myHumboldt for Campus Memos
During the Spring semester, the campus will expand the use of myHumboldt for distributing work-related memos and messages to employees. The goal is to ensure better distribution of updates about important changes, and reduce the use of campus-wide emails.
Most memos will be posted to myHumboldt, either for all employees or for those in particular areas. Topics will include such things as new business practices, new policies, updates on initiatives, deadlines, facility information, compensation information, updates from CSU, and similar. Campus leadership may elect to send campus-wide emails on a case-by-case basis.
This approach has been discussed and approved by the President and Vice Presidents.
myHumboldt is easily accessed from the top right of the university homepage. It has expanded since launching two years ago, and in addition to the messaging center it includes quick access to Gmail, personal information such as leave balances, campus resources including links to forms and policies, single sign-on for numerous applications such as Moodle, and more.
Through the myHumboldt messaging center, memos and messages can be shared in a way that is more convenient, accessible, and searchable. All employees have a Campus Announcement pagelet on their myHumboldt page, with messages that are relevant to many or most. Employees also have pagelets for their Division, and many have pagelets for their specific College or unit (such as Information Technology), and these have messages that are specific to that area.
If you want to continue receiving messages by email, you may subscribe to do so by scrolling to the bottom of any messaging pagelet and following the link. You may also get a printable version of any message. And you may search archived messages - after clicking through to a specific message, select one of the areas on the left navigation bar, and then enter search terms at the top of the page.
The memos and messages on myHumboldt are posted by content coordinators in each area with responsibility for a messaging pagelet – the Divisions, the Colleges, the Library, and a number of other areas. The content coordinators also submit items for the Campus Announcement pagelet, which reaches all employees.
More information about the myHumboldt messaging center is here.
A list of content coordinators is here.
For questions about the myHumboldt messaging center, contact Marketing & Communications at marcom@humboldt.edu or 826-3321. For general inquiries about myHumboldt, visit the service website or contact the ITS Help Desk at help@humboldt.edu or 826-4357.