Holiday Informal Time Off

December 18, 2014

The following message was provided by Human Resources:

In celebration of the 2014 holiday season, the Governor has authorized a half-day informal time off on Wednesday, December 24. President Rossbacher has also approved a half-day administrative leave that day, and will close most campus offices for the entire day.  This informal time off is subject to the following provisions:


Monthly Rate Employees:

Full time exempt and non-exempt employees may be allowed a full day informal time off with pay on December 24 if the employee is scheduled to work.  Less than full-time employees are provided the informal time off on a pro-rata basis.


Employees required to work on December 24, or who would be scheduled to work but are on vacation, sick leave, or CTO, may be granted the equivalent informal time off prior to June 30, 2015. This time shall not be considered CTO and is not compensable in cash.


Hourly Employees:

Hourly employees other than Student Assistants and Work Study students, are permitted the informal time off based on the following table provided that the employee is scheduled to work on December 24 and is still on the active payroll on that date (has not or will not be separated with a prior effective date):


                        Hours Worked                                                 Informal Hours for

            During December Pay Period *                                    Holiday Time Off

                        1-30.9                                                                          1

                        31-50.9                                                                        2

                        51-70.9                                                                        3

                        71-90.9                                                                        4

                        91-110.9          `                                                           5

                        111-130.9                                                                    6

                        131-150.9                                                                    7

                        151 or over                                                                  8


            *Exclusive of Holiday Hours not actually worked


Scheduling of informal time off should be managed in such a way as to minimize disruption to campus operations.

Additional information and Chancellor’s Office Technical Letter may be found at:

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 3626.

Announcement Approvals: