CPS Announcements

Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management

Nov 12 2015

It is with regret that I am writing to announce that Vikash Lakhani, Assoc. Vice President for Enrollment Management, will be...

Associate Vice President of Retention and Inclusive Student Success

Nov 10 2015

Save the Date!

Director of Outreach Open Forum

Nov 9 2015

On behalf of the search committee and Vikash Lakhani, AVP for Enrollment Management, you are invited to the Director of...

You are Invited!

Nov 9 2015

To submit your hybrid or online course to be recognized by the CSU 2015/16 Quality Online Learning & Teaching...

Celebrate the Inaugural Publication of HSU Press!

Nov 9 2015

Celebrate the inaugural publication of Humboldt State University Press: The Extraordinary Voyage of Kamome, A...

The Consent Project Event

Nov 9 2015

The Consent Project event is happening this Thursday and Friday 

Examining Academic and Social Integration- a Case Study of the Class of 2013

Nov 5 2015

Friday, November 20, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall, College Creek

Examining Academic and Social Integration- a Case Study of the Class of 2013

Nov 5 2015

Student Success Action Research Project Data 

CSU Survey of Food and Housing Security Coming November 9th-PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR STUDENTS

Nov 3 2015

We are calling on all colleagues and friends on campus to get the word out that Monday, November 9th HSU we...

Help Needed for Upcoming 23rd Annual Student Pancake Dinner

Nov 3 2015

The 23rd Annual Student Pancake Dinner is coming soon and we are looking for help with this event.