CNRS Announcements
A Watershed Year in STEM Education ~ December 12Dec 2 2014Please join for a very special presentation regarding STEM Education and the California State University (CSU) system on... |
Gem and Mineral Rock Auction ~ December 5Dec 1 2014You are cordially invited to attend the 40th annual Gem and Mineral Rock Auction this Friday, December 5, beginning... |
Staff Council Holiday Craft Fair ~ December 4Dec 1 2014You are invited to attend the first Staff Council Holiday Craft Fair to be held on Thursday, December 4 beginning at... |
Wildlife Ecoseries Seminar ~ December 4Dec 1 2014Please join us for this week's Wildlife EcoSeries Seminar with guest speaker, Dr. Sara Kross, UC Davis, to present her talk... |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 12/1/14Dec 1 2014Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 12/1/14, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Feed the Mind and Body Week November 24-30Nov 21 2014Staying on campus over Fall break? |
“HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation Services Survey”Nov 20 2014Our primary mission is to provide the Humboldt State University community with professional and accessible Pre- and Post-Award... |
Office of Research, Economic & Community Development NewsletterNov 20 2014The Fall 2014 Newsletter from the Office of Research, Economic & Community Development is attached for your... |
Pancake Dinner Volunteers Needed! ~ December 15thNov 19 2014Please join other campus volunteers on Monday, December 15th for HSU's annual Pancake Dinner in the Jolly Giant Commons. |
CSUPERB: Presidents' Commission Scholars Summer UG ResearchNov 18 2014... |