ITS Announcements
5th Annual HSU Authors Celebration - February 14, 2019Feb 7 2019Please join us Thursday, February 14, 2019 from 3 - 5pm at HSU Library, to celebrate alumni, emeriti, faculty, staff, student... |
HSU Professional Development Newsletter - February 2019Feb 4 2019This month inside HSU Professional... |
Teaching and Learning Tip #45: Starting with InspirationJan 29 2019What are you doing as an educator that no one else knows about? |
Panetta Congressional Internship Program Offers Expenses-Paid Internship in D.C.Jan 21 2019Each year in the Fall semester, Humboldt State sends a student to the Panetta Internship program for an expenses-paid, in-... |
HSU Professional Development Newsletter - January 2019Jan 14 2019This month inside HSU Professional... |
Teaching and Learning Tip #44: Managing ExpectationsDec 11 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning |
Spring 2019 Professional Development DayDec 4 2018Please join colleagues on January 18, 2019 for |
HSU Professional Development Newsletter - December 2018Dec 3 2018This month inside HSU ... |
Teaching and Learning Tip #43: What Are Faculty Saying About Course Evaluations?Nov 27 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning |
Teaching and Learning Tip #42: I’m Anxious About (and For) iGenNov 6 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning |