Faculty Development Announcements

CSU's Got Talent Webcast Training - Great Grammar in 60 Minutes - 4/23/19 @ 10AM

Apr 22 2019

"Great Grammar in 60 Minutes", April 23 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

Don't let grammar goofs and mechanical missteps...

Join us for HSU's 2019 ideaFest!

Apr 22 2019

More than 400 Students, Faculty, & Staff from HSU will showcase research, live performances, digital projects, and more...

Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness Traveling Exhibit in Library FALL

Apr 18 2019

Native Voices explores the interconnectedness of wellness, illness, and cultural life for Native...

Course Design Institute: Call for Participation

Apr 16 2019

Course Design Institute

"Re-imagining the Learning...

Influencing Student Intentions to Foster Deeper Learning Confirmation

Apr 16 2019

Join us on Wednesday, April 17th
11:00am to 12:00pm 
CTL Glassroom (Library 317)...

Upcoming Professional Development Events

Apr 11 2019

Upcoming Professional Development Events

HSU's Office of Research Spring 2019 Newsletter

Apr 9 2019

The Office of Research & Sponsored Program's Spring 2019 Newsletter...

Citing Insights Library Luncheon - April 12 and April 16

Apr 8 2019

You are invited to a Library Luncheon, great way to celebrate National Library Week, and to discuss information...

Fisheries Biology Seminar: Nordic Aquafarms

Apr 8 2019

Nordic Aquafarms - A future for land-based aquaculture in Humboldt County...

Final Exam Schedules in Faculty and Student Centers

Apr 8 2019

In response to student, faculty, and staff requests, starting Fall 2019, personalized final exam schedules will be available...