Science on Tap ~ Oct 7
What: Science on Tap Public presentation:
Bats vs. Moths: 65 Million Years of Co-evolution Between Predator and Prey
By Dr. Aaron Corcoran, HSU Biology
When: Wednesday, October 7th, 6-7:30pm
Where: Blondies Food and Drink, 420 E. California Ave., Arcata
Who: All are invited!
More Info:
​Description:​ Bats and moths are a classic example of an evolutionary arms race--a situation where predator and prey one up one another with ever-more sophisticated adaptations and counter-adaptations. Come hear about the latest discoveries in animal aerial warfare, and how they were made by Dr. Aaron Corcoran (HSU Department of Biological Sciences). Fly along in the dark night where moths jam bat sonar and evade death with last-ditch evasive maneuvers, and where bats jam one another in aerial battles for prey and use stealth tactics to gain advantage in the ever-more sophisticated world of the hunter and the hunted.