SAVE the DATE: Creating Climate Change Collaboration (4C) Webcast

July 1, 2019

CSU - BW: Creating Climate Change Collaboration (4C)

Live Webcast

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

8:00 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.

The HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation will be hosting this Live System-Wide Webcast Presented by the Chancellor's Office, Department of Research.

This is a new effort intended to increase contacts between scholars in California and Baden-Württemberg around issues related to climate change. Seven scholars from each side will talk briefly about their current research. We encourage interested researchers to watch and initiate contact in areas of mutual interest.

You can either register and view it on your own, or come participate with our staff in SBS 405. Light refreshments will be served.  



  • Discover existing climate change-related research work
  • Identify potential collaborators for future projects
  • Build interdisciplinary research teams for a comprehensive impact
  • Build multi-institution research teams for a global impact
  • Establish ongoing communication to prepare for upcoming funding opportunities



Click this link to register for the webcast: