RFP for Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program--Nov 1 deadline

October 18, 2013

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program 2013-2014 Application Guidelines

$500 Awards available for the Academic Year 2013-2014

Application Deadline- Friday, November 1, 2013, 4pm


To apply for the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program, submit an original copy and one copy via email (to Service-Learning/ Academic Internships Advisory Committee, Center for Service Learning and Academic Internships, Gist Hall 122), and email to amb2@humboldt.edu.  (Please email your submission pasted into the email rather than as an attachment. Be sure to submit on hard copy through campus mail.)


A completed application consists of the following:

  1. Cover page: Course Title or proposed course title, Faculty Member, contact information
  2. The proposal: maximum of two pages addressing the following components:

Development of Service-Learning Course:

• Course (proposed course) title

• Course objectives

• Ideas for service-learning component for this course

• Submit the most recent syllabus if it is an existing course, or draft syllabus for proposed course

3. Letter of support from the department chair in which the course will be offered             

4. Statement of Commitment to full participation in the Service-Learning Faculty  Fellows Program

Announcement Approvals: