Professional Development Workshop-Systems Thinking
October 9, 2014
Systems Thinking
How Our Actions, Communications, and Experiences Affect Others in the Workplace
Presenter: Vikash Lakhani, HSU AVP for Enrollment Management
The Division is pleased to host the following professional development workshop for the month of October. Note that the session is offered twice to accommodate the staffing of our offices.
Peter Senge refers to Systems Thinking as viewing the organization from a 20,000 foot perspective and understanding how the organization as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. He suggests that organizations are successful when members of an organization understand the implications of their individual work and or contributions on the whole system. Learn about how our actions, communication, and experiences affect our colleagues.
Date(s)/ Time(s)/ Location:
Monday Oct. 27 8:30-10:00 am, Goodwin Forum
Wednesday Oct 29 2:00-3:30 pm, Goodwin Forum
To register for one of these sessions, click on the appropriate time above or go to the Training and Professional Development website. This workshop is open to all staff.