PowerPoint: Basics and Multimedia
We are offering two PowerPoint workshops on February 18th.
The first workshop begins at 1:30pm and offers an introduction to PowerPoint. Have you ever been asked to put together a presentation using PowerPoint yet had no idea where to start? Come learn what you need to put together a Microsoft 2010 PowerPoint presentation quickly and easily. This training will introduce you to the basics of PowerPoint including navigating through the window, applying a design template, putting content on slides, printing handouts and notes, and preparing to give the presentation. Register at: https://training.humboldt.edu/Training_sign_up.php?recordID=6583
The second workshop begins at 3pm and focuses on the multimedia aspects of PowerPoint. Microsoft PowerPoint can support text, audio, images and video. This course will review procedures to include these items in a presentation and demonstrate effective methods for maximizing information retention and comprehension. Register at: https://training.humboldt.edu/Training_sign_up.php?recordID=6584
If you intend to attend both workshops, please register for each separately. Thank you!