Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 8/3/15
Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 8/3/15, which lists agencies that are approved learning sites (and those in process for approval) for students from Service Learning and Academic Internship courses. This list is for faculty use (it's not designed to be distributed to students).
Faculty are welcome to contact Stacy Becker for the current list (or questions on whether a program/agency is approved or nested under an umbrella agency) anytime, as this list changes daily. Risk Management requirements and forms for Service Learning and Academic Internship courses are available on our website at http://www.humboldt.edu/cslai/. Stacy is available to answer any questions.
Stacy Becker, Community Partner Coordinator
Center for Service Learning & Academic Internships ~ 122B Gist Hall
(707) 826-4963