Future LMS Platform Options: Opportunities for Input
The CSU Learning Platform Systems (CSULPS) Task Force is exploring the current and future role of learning platforms in higher education as part of a process to develop one or more Master Enabling Agreements (MEAs) that will reduce costs and simplify purchasing for all CSU campuses.
This exploration is beginning with a series of expert webinars to be presented this fall; all stakeholders will be able to participate through an open web site at csulps.com, which will include blog postings, updates, and links to resources. All interested individuals can ask questions, make comments and suggestions, and help shape the development of the RFP via this website.
The intended outcome of the process is that campuses will have a selection of pre-negotiated, cost-competitive software options in which they may participate if they choose to do so.
Webinar Schedule
September 25th, 3pm-4:15pm
Emerging Trends in LMS and Related Ed Tech Markets
Presenters: Phil Hill and Michael Feldstein, Co-Publishers of the e-Literate blog, Co-Producers of e-Literate TV, and Partners at MindWires Consulting.
Brief abstract: New and accelerated market trends, including interoperability, the mainstreaming of educational technology, and blurred lines between previously distinct product categories have emerged over the past five years. This presentation will give an overview of the LMS market for higher education institutions while also calling out the major trends driving the differences we see today and the likely market of the future. We will also highlight how these changes affect institutional and system decision-making.
Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android at https://calstate.zoom.us/j/512468542
Join by phone at +1 415 762 9988 (US Toll) or +1 646 568 7788 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 512 468 542
Upcoming webinar dates for your calendar:
October 16, 3pm-4pm
LMS Presentation and Discussion
Chris Vento, CEO and founder of Intellify
October 23, 3pm-4pm
LMS Transitions: Lessons from a Culturally Inclusive and Transparent Change Effort
Sasha Thackaberry, eLearning District Director at Cuyahoga Community College
November 6, 3pm-4pm
User Stories for Technical and Functional Requirements Gathering and Evaluation
Patrick Masson, Open Source Initiative
November 12, 3pm-4pm
A Virtual Student Panel Discussion about Learning Platforms and Services
December 10, 3pm-4pm
A Virtual Faculty Panel Discussion about Learning Platforms and Services