Funding Opportunity: NSF Biodiversity on a Changing Planet

February 7, 2023

National Science Foundation (NSF) Biodiversity on a Changing Planet

Deadline: March 29, 2023

Award Amount: Varies by track

About: The BoCP program that invites submission of interdisciplinary proposals addressing grand challenges in biodiversity science within the context of unprecedented environmental change, including climate change. Successful proposals will test novel hypotheses about functional biodiversity and its connections to shifting biodiversity dynamics on a changing planet, with an emphasis on integrative research into the complex intersections among climatic, geological, paleontological, and biological processes. Integrative research is likely to combine multiple perspectives--including organismal, species, ecological, evolutionary, phylogenetic, geological, and/or paleontological approaches-- at various scales. Proposals that seek to improve predictive capability about functional biodiversity across temporal and spatial scales by considering the linkages between past, present, and future biological, climatic, and geological processes are also encouraged.

BoCP accepts proposals in the following tracks:

Design Track - NSF will fund collaborative US-only or international collaborative grants of up to $500,000 over a maximum of three (3) years in this track. Design proposals are aimed at building new teams with no prior collaborative track record and must combine specific team building activities over the three years of the project with the development of creative research and technical approaches that start to address critical, but perhaps untested, novel, or high-risk aspects of the functional axes of biodiversity in the context of a changing planet.

Implementation Track - NSF will fund collaborative US-only or international collaborative grants of up to $2.5M over a maximum of five (5) years in this track. Implementation proposals are suitable for diverse collaborative teams at a more developed research stage, ready to implement a large-scale project addressing functional biodiversity on a changing planet. Projects should tackle research themes that have high potential to engender substantial research advances in understanding functional biodiversity on a changing planet and must clearly articulate a compelling vision of advances beyond existing efforts.

Apply: For the program solicitation, follow the link below to the portal or see the NSF’s BoCP program page.

NOTE: If you are interested in applying or have any questions, please contact our Pre-Award Specialists Pia Gabriel at, Kaz Wegmuller at, or Jocelyne Takatsuno at before March 1, 2023.

Announcement Approvals:
