FLC on Engaged Writing Intensive: Teaching & Researching Disciplinary Writing

March 16, 2021
Faculty Learning Community
Engaged Writing Intensive: Teaching & Researching Disciplinary Writing 

Call For Participation Form by March 22nd

In this faculty learning community, we will do more than discuss strategies for teaching and assessing writing (though we will do that, too). We will individually and collectively consider questions like: What kinds of writing are valued in my discipline or courses? When and how do students practice these types of texts and learn these values? How do I understand and account for asymmetrical aspects of power, language, knowledge, and assessment in my discipline and courses? What does it mean to become a researcher of writing in my discipline? This FLC will disrupt ideas of stable, singular narratives of writing mastery, and ask participants to explore and apply developmental and equitable theories of writing instruction to their disciplinary teaching as a way to support students as emerging writers and disciplinary experts. 

Participants will interact through in-person virtual meetings during six consecutive 90-minute weekly sessions. In our FLC, we will play and experiment with revising or developing a writing assignment and its assessment rubric, even if it's an assignment that you’ve taught for many years or with success. We encourage interested applicants to bring ongoing high-stakes writing assignments, signature writing assignments, capstone assignments, or other major writing projects to each FLC meeting as a way to anchor and apply FLC concepts. 

Call For Participation Form by March 22nd