February Faculty Workshops

February 5, 2020

Join us for the Upcoming February Faculty-Led Workshops

Please register for Spring workshops

Understanding and Adopting Equitable Teaching Strategies

Facilitator: Dr. Kim White, Chemistry

Two-part session: February 7 and February 14, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, LIB 317

Attendees will learn about equitable teaching strategies and reflect upon their own pedagogies and classroom practices. Participants will work in teams to discuss challenges and strategize equity-based course modifications for future implementation.

Enhancing Motivation after Failure: Perceiving Academic Control

Facilitator: Dr. Brandilynn Villarreal, Psychology

February 25 • 12:00 - 1:00 pm • LIB 209

College courses are difficult and failure or poor performance in some capacity is common, especially among freshmen, first-year transfer students, first-generation students, and/or minoritized students. These groups are especially likely to see college as a low-control environment. One of the goals of this workshop is to help students see college as a high-control environment by modeling and encouraging attributions after failure that are internal, unstable, and controllable. Students who perceive more control over their performance are likely to extend additional effort to reach their educational goals.

Contact information: Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at 826.4461 or email: ctl@humboldt.edu