Dr. Tony Platt - The Scandal of Cal: Land grabs, white supremacy, and miseducation at UC Berkeley (Wednesday, November 8) Corrected Flyer

October 30, 2023

Dr. Tony Platt on his new book The Scandal of Cal: Land grabs, white supremacy, and miseducation at UC Berkeley “The University of California, Berkeley—widely known as “Cal”—is admired worldwide as a bastion of innovation and a hub for progressive thought. Far less known are the university’s roots in plunder, warfare, and the promotion of white supremacy. As Tony Platt shows in The Scandal of Cal, these original sins sit at the center of UC Berkeley’s history."Event FlyerThis event will be held on Nov. 8th, from 5 - 6:30pm in the Native American Forum (BSS 162). Dr. Roberto Monico (CRGS), Dr. Cutcha Risling-Baldy (NAS), and Tony Wallin-Sato (Project Rebound) will join the panel discussion.This event is sponsored by Department of Sociology, Critical Race & Gender Studies, Native American Studies, Department of Politics, Anthropology, and Project Rebound. For more information, contact Mireya Ortega at mns56@humboldt.edu.

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