Call for Workshop Proposals
Humboldt State University’s MultiCultural Center is calling for dynamic and interactive workshops for the 2020 Social Justice Summit scheduled March 2-7 on the HSU campus. Deadline for proposal submission is Friday, February 7 at 11:55 p.m.
The Social Justice Summit’s theme this year is “Demanding radical reform: Justice now!!!” There is great room for interpretation and innovation with this title, and we welcome your thoughts and ideas.
The dynamic, interactive workshops are divided into two segments: Education/Knowledge Share and Art Activism/Skill Share. Guidelines for Education/Knowledge Share workshop are that they bring people to work together to identify and educate one another about important issues that are affecting our communities and what we can do to bring about change. Guidelines for Skill Share are artists/activists share and teach their skills to provide powerful tools to spread awareness and encourage social change.
Share your research, best practices, production, and tools for change, dialogue and discussion at the 2020 Social Justice Summit. For online proposal submission, as well as conference registration, visit our website at For additional information contact Frank Herrera, Coordinator of HSU’s MultiCultural Center, at (707) 826-3367 or