Call for Coordinating Lead Authors: California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment Regional Synthesis Reports

October 23, 2023

CA Governor’s Office of Planning and Research; California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment Regional Synthesis Reports

Deadline: Friday, November 17th, 2023

Compensation: $65,000-$100,000


ABOUT: The California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) seeks applications from University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) representatives for a funded role leading the development of one of nine Regional Synthesis Reports as a part of California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment. Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) will work with OPR to identify experts and community representatives who will contribute to the development of each report. Applicants who are not selected as a CLA may be considered for other funded roles throughout the Fifth Assessment.

California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment is a suite of original research and tools describing the impacts and risks of climate change to equip communities and leaders across the state with the best available science and knowledge to inform their planning and decision-making processes. Worse and more frequent extreme weather events and trends are impacting the state every year, making up-to-date information on climate change imperative to driving sound policy and investment decisions. 

Regional Synthesis Reports will be developed for nine regions of California (Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, Sierra Nevada, Inland Deserts, Central Coast, North Coast, Los Angeles, San Diego) through a community-led process that compiles and synthesizes the key findings into regionally focused reports that meet the needs and context of communities across the state. Reports will be used to synthesize new research on the impacts of climate change in California, summarize other relevant resources, and where necessary, fill knowledge gaps. Reports should be written to help guide local and state policy, planning, and action on climate change, including regional and local vulnerability assessments, adaptation planning, and community resilience efforts.


Responsibilities & Expectations:

• Must be affiliated with a UC/CSU

• Oversee all administrative logistics and tasks, including invoicing, and subcontracting

• Chair Author Team meetings

• Coordinate with OPR to select additional authors /contributors /advisors, track progress, ensure alignment with State priorities

• Conduct/oversee literature review/research

• Draft report language

• Review and edit all deliverables

• Finalize deliverable(s) in response to peer review process

• Lead or support engagement and focus group meetings/workshops


Estimated Minimum Time Commitment:

• Kickoff meeting

• Author training session

• At least public 2 roll-out presentations (statewide/regional)

• 10-20 regional author team meetings (2-4 hrs. ea.)

• 2 - 4 all authors meetings (up to 8 hrs. ea.)

• At least 2 community engagement workshops, including time for planning

• Time for research, drafting, review, coordination, planning, and administrative oversight


Please see solicitation attachment in the portal for more details.


APPLY:  To apply, complete the Fifth Assessment Regional Synthesis Report Author Team Interest Form, and submit the following to by November 17th, 2023, subject line, “CLA Application”:

  • A resume or curriculum vitae

  • Statement of qualifications (1-2 pages) including a description of: 

    • Applicable expertise and demonstrated qualifications

    • Availability & capacity to meet project deadlines 

    • Primary (3-5) research priorities for the region

CONTACT: For questions, email

Announcement Approvals: