4/12/2024 EMSS Division Communication

April 12, 2024

EMSS Team Members:

Happy Friday to all members of the EMSS team, and welcome to the home stretch of the semester! I hope you are all doing well and enjoyed the sunshine this week. I know a number of our team, my family included, will be heading out of town for some R&R during the local school districts’ spring break – Dr. Mitchell will serve as Acting VP during my time away.

Before I head to the airport later today, I wanted to share with you some of the current highlights from our division below:

Enrollment Progress

Fall 24 enrollment tracking remains positive, and while volatility persists as we navigate this new poly trajectory, we are cautiously optimistic that we will see continued growth for our campus. The Enrollment Target Progress team delivered its most recent report on April 4, showing that we have surpassed year-to-date application and admission activity, compared with last year’s record application season, and that we have strong deposit activity as well. We are heading into another Spring Preview this weekend and anticipate more students making decisions about their college plans after visiting with us this weekend. As always, please do whatever you can to support our outreach and enrollment efforts, and show extra care to those prospective students and families you may come into contact with on our campus.

Registration for summer and fall priority registration for continuing students is now underway, so please be sure to check in with students you know about their registration plans and any support they may need.

Now Open: Summer Housing Application

The Summer Housing application is now open for students enrolled in summer sessions to live on campus. Know someone who would be interested? Have them apply at myhousing.humboldt.edu                                                                     

Fun New Items at The Campus Store Arcata

We’ve heard from our campus community that you wanted more fun, local items available at The Campus Store, and we listened! Check out the new fun Bigfoot and Banana Slug Cal Poly Humboldt T-shirts at The Campus Store Arcata: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5gp_K7xxgP/?img_index=1

Late Night Breakfast Volunteers Needed

We are excited to announce that our Spring 2024 Late Night Breakfast is just around the corner, and we are in need of some fantastic volunteers to help make this event a memorable one! The Late Night Breakfast has become a beloved tradition on our campus, and it's all thanks to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. The volunteer form is linked HERE. The event will be held on May 6th, and volunteer forms need to be submitted by April 29th! Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity, and we look forward to working together to make this Late Night Breakfast a fantastic experience for all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!


I’d like to extend appreciation for the time, cheerful energy, and hard work our volunteers contributed to the Serve-a-Thon/Cesar Chavez Day of Service event! It was such a wonderful day to build community, support UIHS and Potawot Community Food Garden, and honor the legacy of Cesar Chavez (along with Dolores Huerta and the other activists who fought for farm workers’ rights). 85 volunteers joined Y.E.S. on April 1, contributing 255 collective hours to a variety of gardening projects at Potawot Community Food Garden. What an amazing impact they made in one morning!

Upcoming Events

Pints for Non-Profits – Humbrews, April 13 from 4-8 pm; join El Centro for their Pints for Non-Profits fundraising event. Proceeds will support El Centro's graduation celebration.

Apple Sale - The Campus Store Arcata, April 15-19; save big at the annual Apple sale, earning 10% off the already low educational rates. https://www.bkstr.com/calpolyhumboldtstore

Thoughtful – J Dining Hall, Tuesday, April 16 from 11am to 2pm; join staff and faculty at the Thoughtful lunch event, sponsored by Humboldt Dining. Free for all! https://dineoncampus.com/calpolyhumboldt

Outstanding Student Awards – Great Hall, April 17 at 3 pm; join us to celebrate student excellence!

Caltrans Dist. 1 Hiring Fair - Goodwin Forum, April 18 11:30 am - 2 pm; encourage students to meet with Caltrans team members and get 1-on-1 help navigating the state jobs application process.

Careers with Caltrans: Lunch and Learn session - NHE 120, April 18 11am – noon; students will learn about career opportunities and ask direct questions of the Chief Administrative Officer and Recruiting Manager of District 1 - territory covering Humboldt, Del Norte, Lake and Mendocino counties. Free Lunch will also be provided! They are actively recruiting upcoming graduates and students planning to enter their senior year in fall 2024 in fields like engineering, environmental science, construction, anthropology, computer science, business and all other majors.

Resume Review Drop Ins – Zoom, Monday April 22 3-5pm and Wednesday, April 24 3-5pm; we can help students fix their resume or get a second opinion on a draft prior to submitting it for a summer job, internship or post-grad position! https://hum.link/ZnS 

Career Cafe - Library Lobby, Tuesday, April 23 11 am-1pm; come grab a tasty pastry or snack and some coffee to learn about special skill shops happening that week

Youth of Color Empowerment Day (YoCé) - Thursday, April 25; please extend a warm Humboldt welcome to youth you see visiting our campus.

Resumania! -  Library 302/Scholar's Lab, Thursday April 25 5-630 pm; students can receive quick tips and speed reviews of draft resumes by resume experts. Snacks included!  Register here: https://humboldt.joinhandshake.com/events/1528431/share_preview 

Job Search Strategies - Library 209/Fishbowl,  Friday April 26 2pm; students can learn how to use search platforms, navigate job descriptions and submit successful applications. Register here: https://humboldt.joinhandshake.com/events/1528457/share_preview

As always, if you have items for inclusion in this division communication, share them with me via e-mail, or with the EMSS Leadership Team member in your area.

Take care of yourselves and each other,

Chrissy Holliday

Vice President, EMSS

Cal Poly Humboldt

Announcement Approvals: