3/1/2024 EMSS Division Communication
EMSS Team Members:
Happy Friday to all members of the EMSS team – as spring break approaches, I hope you are finding time to pause and reflect on the accomplishments of this semester, and to breathe and even get away for a few days, or a few hours. As your time allows, please check out some of the current highlights from our division below:
Enrollment Progress
I will be sharing an enrollment message with campus in the coming days, but spring census brought news of yet another semester of year-over-year enrollment growth that reinforces my belief we have indeed turned the tide on our declining enrollments. Our spring headcount enrollment increased 2.5% over last year, and our resident FTES has grown even more, at 3.6%. We are seeing application volume very similar to last year’s record numbers, and as of this morning, first-time undergraduate applications are within 130 of last year, and application growth among upper-division transfer, graduate, and returning stop-out students is outpacing last year. To date, more than 900 students have confirmed their intent to enroll this fall with a deposit, and students are now submitting housing applications for fall. More details to come in the campus message, but the future indeed looks bright. Thank you for all your work to attract new students, and to support our current students towards their continued enrollment and eventual graduation. This Feb. 19 report from the Enrollment Target Progress work group provides additional information and detail about our current trajectory for fall; a new report will be disseminated each month.
Budget Planning
I know we talked briefly at our Spring Welcome about the likelihood of budget reduction planning this spring, and most of you are likely aware of the work underway now to close the budget gap for the University. Budget Office members have provided budget roadshow presentations over the past month in various group settings, explaining the current situation and the reduction planning process. Our division submitted possible scenarios for reductions at the 3%, 5% and 8% levels earlier this week, and we now begin the hard work of determining how to close the fiscal gap. I want to acknowledge that these conversations and planning efforts induce anxiety for many, but I want to reassure you all that your EMSS leadership team presented me with creative options for scaling back while remaining true to the Purpose, Vison and Values we adopted in January. I want to reiterate that we are in the very early stages of this budget process, and none of us yet know what the final reductions will look like for our division or campus overall. When I know more about where we are headed, I will share additional information. Until then, I encourage you to not give in to the fear and anxiety I know many are feeling – I am confident we will find a path forward that allows us to continue the good work already underway.
One way to stay informed is to engage with the University Resources & Planning Committee (URPC), which will eventually make a budget recommendation to the president in support of broad university priorities. During March, the URPC will receive priority updates from key divisions, and those presentations will be open to the campus community via Zoom. Dates and times for the updates are:
Friday, March 8, 2024
1:00 pm-1:30 pm- President’s office (Chief of Staff Mark Johnson)
1:30 pm-2:00 pm- Advancement (Vice President Frank Whitlatch)
2:00 -2:30 pm- Athletics (Executive Director of Athletics Nick Pettit)
2:30 pm-3 pm- University Wide- (Executive Director of Budget Amber Blakeslee)
Friday, March 22, 2024
1:00 pm-1:45 pm- Academic Affairs- Instructional (Provost Jenn Capps)
1:45 pm-2:30 pm- Administration and Finance (Interim Vice President Carla Ho’a)
Friday, March 29, 2024
1:00 pm-1:45 pm- Enrollment Management and Student Success (Vice President Chrissy Holliday)
1:45 pm-2:30 pm- Academic Affairs- Non-Instructional (Provost Jenn Capps)
Zoom information will be offered a few days before each meeting.
In addition, URPC will hold a Spring Open Forum on Monday, March 25, from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm in the Great Hall. I encourage EMSS team members to attend the forum to hear information about planning and strategy to address budget reductions. Feedback from attendees may inform the URPC budget recommendation to the President at the conclusion of the semester. Refreshments will be provided.
New Hires/Position Changes
Please join the Financial Aid Office in welcoming our new Systems Analyst, Matt Kerwin, who began on Feb. 19.
Upcoming Events
Fry Burger: Try out a delicious Fry Burger at The Campus Store Arcata, available every Wed/Thur/Sat/Sun from noon to 7pm. Menu available at https://www.fryburger.org/
Pineapple Express: On Fridays from 11:30am to 5:30pm, try out Pineapple Express at The Campus Store Arcata. Menu available at https://www.instagram.com/pineappleexpressfoodtruck
CenterArts Shows: Tommy Emmanuel, CGO, March 5, 7 pm; The Wood Brothers, March 6, 7 pm; Altan, March 9, 8 pm; and The World-Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, March 12, 7pm; all taking place at the Arkley Center in Eureka.
Dining Focus Groups: Sign up for our Dining Survey focus groups for faculty/staff/students taking place on March 5-6 at this link: https://swiy.co/Humboldt-Dining-Survey
Big Promotion: Buy a sweatshirt and get a free t-shirt at The Campus Store Eureka in Old Town at 218 F St through Monday, March 4!
Student Leader Selection: Residence Life Student Leader Selection has begun. In addition to sharing with students in your area, please consider participating in the interview process, and share your feedback on our candidates! RA App closes March 8, and interviews are March 25-29.
I’ve Been Admitted to College: These special college culture building events for 8th graders are scheduled on campus Friday, March 1 and Wednesday, March 13. If you see groups of area middle schoolers touring campus these days, please be sure to welcome them to Humboldt!
As always, if you have items for inclusion in this division communication, share them with me via e-mail, or with the EMSS Leadership Team member in your area.
Take care of yourselves and each other,
Chrissy Holliday
Vice President, EMSS
Cal Poly Humboldt