2014 Cultivating Diversity at HSU Report - Now Available
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion recently released its 6th annual report, Cultivating Diversity at HSU: enriching our educational community. The report presents an update on key indicators of campus diversity, discusses many of the steps HSU is taking to foster an inclusive campus environment, and highlights the primary themes that emerged from our Spring 2014 Diversity Focus Group series with staff and faculty. The report arrived in campus mailboxes late last week, and is attached below and available online.
This year’s report has been re-designed, with the intention of making it more accessible to a wide range of readers, including students. We hope the shorter, more colorful format will inspire you to share and discuss it broadly: with students and colleagues; in your classes or department meetings; or when making decisions that will impact the university as a whole. To this end, a list of discussion prompts/potential conversation starters is also available on our website.
As always, your questions, feedback, and requests for additional hard copies are welcome - call x4503 or email diversity@humboldt.edu.