Funding Opportunities: Non-Federal Grant Round-Up
As the federal grant funding landscape undergoes changes, it’s more important than ever to stay proactive in seeking funding opportunities. Cal Poly Humboldt Sponsored Programs Foundation will be sharing a regular round-up of non-federal grants for those looking to diversify their funding sources. As a reminder, SPF offers funding search assistance! Please visit our website to explore some of our funding resources, or contact a Research Development Support Coordinator for targeted funding search support: Jacob Dudzik at or Cara Peters at
Environment Grants: Doris Duke Foundation - Recent awards have ranged from $100k - $1.2 mil. Unsolicited proposals for projects that fall within the program’s three primary grantmaking strategies (linked directly below) can be submitted through a letter of inquiry, which are accepted on a rolling basis. Supports initiatives that increase the pace and scale of land conservation and stewardship across the U.S. to protect biodiversity, bolster the resilience of natural areas and advance climate change mitigation. Another focus is conservation efforts that advance equity, in particular for communities that identify as Black, Indigenous and people of color. To achieve these goals, the foundation concentrates on three areas of focus: Nature, Climate, Equity
Exploring Equitable Futures: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - No award limit - applicants should request the amount needed to complete the proposed project. Rolling application through October 15, 2025. Seeks projects that seed new and unconventional ideas that could radically advance health equity for generations to come. Supports visionary thinkers—scientists, anthropologists, engineers, technologists, creatives, and others—who are imagining what the world might look like in the next 10 to 100 years, and exploring how those futures may unfold in ways that could slow down or speed up our collective efforts to dismantle structural racism and improve health equity.
Funding will be given to projects that:
Explore the future by researching and experimenting with ideas that are ahead of the curve or at the edge of our collective imagination;
Shine a light on the emerging trends and forces that are shaping our future for better or worse—and suggest ways to navigate them to mitigate harm and advance health equity;
Dream big and challenge conventional wisdom to surface possibilities and uncover new paths to dismantle structural racism and build a more equitable future.
Targeted Grants in MPS: Simmons Foundation - No award limit; applicants should request the amount needed to complete the proposed project. Letters of intent accepted on a rolling basis. Supports high-risk theoretical mathematics, physics and computer science projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance on a case-by-case basis. This program provides funding for up to five years.
NOTE: If you are interested in applying or have any questions, please contact our Pre-Award Specialists Pia Gabriel at, Kaz Wegmuller at, or Jocelyne Takatsuno at
While exploring alternative funding is valuable, continued engagement with federal grants remains critical—consistent applications help demonstrate the demand for these programs and ensure their ongoing availability. We’re here to help you navigate these funding opportunities and keep research thriving at Cal Poly Humboldt.