SHIFT Grant Proposals Open Now!
The Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT) is now accepting grant proposals. SHIFT is a student-driven organization that supports sustainability initiatives at Cal Poly Humboldt, using allocated funds to finance projects that focus on environmental conservation, social justice, natural resources, carbon impacts, waste reduction, and more. Since its launch in 2007, SHIFT has funded a variety of on-campus projects, including solar arrays, water bottle refill stations, compost bins, and energy-efficient lighting upgrades. Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to submit any well-developed project ideas that will help make Humboldt a more sustainable campus.
The submission window for proposals is open now March 10. Here are the 3 resources you will need to submit:
SHIFT Grant Submission Requirements (read carefully)
Submisison form (answer all questions and upload supporting docs)
Budget template (make a copy and upload as a supporting doc)
For more information, visit SHIFT HERE. They look forward to reviewing all of the creative submissions and continuing to support innovative sustainability projects on campus. Good luck!
View flyer HERE.