REMINDER: 2025 McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award for Cal Poly Humboldt faculty members is approaching! This award will recognize Humboldt’s newer faculty, acknowledge their potential in their field of research, and encourage their continued achievement.
ELIGIBILITY: Tenured/Tenure track faculty members from all fields who have received their terminal degrees within the last seven (7) years and who are actively involved in research are eligible. Nominations for the award are sought from the campus community and will consist of a letter (no more than two pages) indicating the nominee’s qualifications for the award. Eligible faculty may self-nominate.
AWARD AMOUNT: Each awardee will receive a $1,500 award to be used to assist in their program of creative activity, scholarship, or research.
SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Please submit a nomination letter through our online portal which can be accessed through Engagement Hub. Nominees will be invited to submit a current curriculum vitae and a brief (no more than two pages) statement about their current and anticipated research activities.
IMPORTANT DATES: Letters of Nomination must be submitted through our online portal which can be accessed through Engagement Hub by Thursday, February 27, 2025 by 11:59 pm. Awards will be presented at a reception held from 4-6pm Wednesday, November 12, 2025. The recipient must be available to attend the reception in-person and give a short presentation of their research.
SELECTION PROCESS: The Planning Committee for Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities in collaboration with one previous Scholar of the Year will select up to three award recipients in Spring 2025. Award announcements will be sent out by April 15th.
CONTACT: Questions should be directed to Erika Wright, Research Development Lead, or 707-826-5166.