Textbook requests due by October 25
With fall semester underway, we at the bookstore are looking towards next semester and beginning the spring adoption process! Submit your textbook requests through email or by telephone by October 25st. Submitting your course materials requirements before the October 25st deadline ensures the university is in compliance with the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act, which requires the full cost of a class to be available prior to registration; including all texts and supplies needed for the course. We work with several organizations, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Rehabilitation, the campus Student Disability Resource Center to fulfill these students’ needs, with many of these students relying solely on the bookstore for their textbooks each semester. Getting your textbook requests in before the October 25th deadline directly affects our ability to help these students, as well as the campus community.
The bookstore serves a diverse student population; each student comes in with a different need and situation. Your early submission helps us develop practical solutions for these students and your courses needs, whether it’s locating hard to find books, creating custom content such as bundles and course packets, or pursuing cost saving avenues, such as our popular rental program.
Thank you,
The HSU Bookstore