Call for Applications: FERP Program

December 3, 2015

Call for Applications: Faculty Early Retirement Program beginning 2016/17

Deadline for Applications:  February 17, 2016

The Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) provides an opportunity for retiring eligible tenured faculty unit employees to continue to work at the university at a reduced load for up to 5 consecutive years.  This program is governed by the faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 29. 

Your completed application form requesting participation in FERP must be submitted to your Dean by February 17, 2016.

To apply, complete and submit the application form located on the APS website at:

For further information on FERP, please contact Academic Personnel Services at x5086 or  For CalPERS retirement or other benefits-related questions, please contact the Benefits Manager at x5171.

Announcement Approvals: