CPS Announcements

Irresistible Justice: Cultivating Joy as a Pathway to Equity with Dr. Shakti Butler

Feb 16 2016

The Social Justice Summit and the Institute for Student Success present a special film and dialogue session for HSU staff and...

2016-17 Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Funds

Feb 15 2016
The 2016-17 IRA Budget Application is now available on the Associated Students website at ...

12th annual Victor T. Schaub Memorial Lecture on Local Politics

Feb 15 2016

February 24 -- Betty Kwan Chinn will speak about her work with the homeless population in Eureka.

Request for Proposals: Up to $50,000 from The California College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015

Feb 15 2016

The goal of College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 (AB 798) is to save college students money by empowering professors and...

Request for Applications: HSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association Awards for Junior Faculty

Feb 12 2016

During each spring semester, the HSU Emeritus & Retired Faculty Association call for applications for cash awards to...

CFA Negotiations - Frequently Asked Questions

Feb 12 2016

Greetings colleagues,

Free Writing Help @ the Writing Studio--please distribute to your students

Feb 11 2016

Faculty and Staff, please pass this information to any students that could benefit from this resource.

Help Desk Open House - with Free Candy!

Feb 9 2016

Friday February 12, 11am-noon.

Humboldt County History Day - Saturday, February 27, 2016

Feb 4 2016

Join the HSU History Department, HSU Library and the Humboldt County Office of Education in celebration of this special event...

Add to-dos to Google Calendar using Reminders

Feb 3 2016

Here’s a handy way to keep track of what needs to get done – and when.