CPS Announcements

Assigned Time for Exceptional Students

Aug 25 2015 Call for Applications: Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to Students – Deadline to apply is Friday, September 11, 2015 The...

African American Center for Academic Excellence Events

Aug 24 2015
September 1st at 12 noon on the Quad
African American and Latin@ Centers for Academic Excellence – Center Launch...

New Moodle 2.8 Tutorials Available

Aug 20 2015
23 new Moodle videos, all in HD, have been posted to help you make the most of the latest features and functionality.

“Asking Better Questions” – presentation by Lisa Castellino

Aug 19 2015

Friday, September 4, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall, College Creek


Aug 17 2015

Faculty, personnel committee members, administrators and support staff involved in RTP processes are invited to attend all or...

Have your say in the Moodle update process

Aug 14 2015

Faculty input is an important part of the LMS development process, so ITS is looking to reactivate and revitalize the Moodle...

Order New Class Activations and Course Copies Now

Aug 14 2015

If you have not yet ordered your New Class Activations or Course Copies for the Fall 2015 semester, PLEASE DO IT NOW...

Call for manuscripts for NMSU's "Border Walking Journal"

Aug 12 2015
The Border Walking Journal is an online non-profit academic and research publication at New Mexico State University that...

What’s New with Printing at HSU?

Aug 11 2015

The HSU Pay-for-Print system works best if everyone follows a few simple guidelines.


Aug 7 2015

Orientation Week is August 17-21