CNRS Announcements
HSU Natural Resources - Wildlife Thesis Defense - Thursday, November 17thNov 10 2016You are invited to attend Cara Appel's thesis presentation on Thursday, November 17th in WDFS 258 at 4:00 pm.... |
Safer Campus SurveyNov 9 2016Dear Colleagues, Please announce to your students The Safer Campus Community Project Survey, a... |
Mathematics Colloquium - Nov 10Nov 8 2016Dear Mathematics Faculty, Students, and Friends, |
November FREE Conservation Lectures at Sequoia Park ZooNov 8 2016Hello colleagues and community members, |
EcoSeries this week: Marsh Restoration and Waterbirds!Nov 8 2016Hello folks! |
HSU Natural Resources - Wildlife Thesis Defense - Tuesday, November 15thNov 8 2016You are invited to attend Sharon Dulava's thesis presentation on Tuesday, November 15th in Forestry 201 at 12:00 pm. |
McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars AwardNov 3 2016The Sponsored Programs Foundation is pleased to request nominations for the McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award for HSU... |
McCrone Graduate Student Fellowship AwardNov 3 2016This award will recognize one outstanding graduate student, acknowledge their potential, and encourage their continued... |
Wildlife Senior Poster Session - Save the Date - Dec 8Nov 2 2016... |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 11/2/16Nov 2 2016Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 11/2/16, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |