CNRS Announcements
HSU OH SNAP! - Online CalFresh EnrollmentApr 11 2014Pleaase share this information with your students and anyone else who might benefit. |
Free e-Waste drop off for HSU CommunityApr 11 2014Now's your chance to get rid of any old or outdated electronics in your home! |
Heartbleed SSL VulnerabilityApr 10 2014 On Monday, April 7th the Internet community became aware of a security flaw in a very common technology used to secure... |
Geology Colloquium - Tuesday, April 15th @ 5:00 PM in VMH 109Apr 10 2014Geology Colloquium - Special Presentation by: Rolf Aalto, Associate Professor, River Basin Science and Geochronology,... |
Three College Mixer Tonight, 5-7 Robert Goodman Tasting RoomApr 10 2014Hello everyone, |
Call for Applications: Faculty Support & Development PositionsApr 10 2014The Office of Academic Affairs in collaboration with the University Senate Faculty Affairs Committee and the Colleges will... |
Geology Colloquium - Monday, April 14th @ 5:00 PM in FH 25Apr 8 2014"Great earthquakes and new insights into subduction seismogenesis", by: Heather DeShon, Associate Professor, Huffington... |
Environmental Justice Week ~ April 14-17Apr 8 2014Environmental Justice Week 2014 will be happening soon at HSU: April 14-17, 2014. |
Biological Sciences Seminar ~ April 11Apr 8 2014The Department of Biological Sciences and the Biology Graduate Student Association are pleased to have Dr. |
Mathematics Colloquium ~ April 10Apr 8 2014Please join us for the weekly Mathematics Colloquium "Seeing Through the Art Gallery Problem" with Brad... |