CNRS Announcements
Congratulations to Botany student Megan BishopSep 15 2014HSU undergraduate student, and Botany major, Megan Bishop participated in the Fordham University’s Calder Summer Undergraduate... |
Congratulations to Monica R. CorrealeSep 10 2014Congratulations to Monica R. |
Congratulations to student Keith ParkerSep 10 2014Congratulations to student Keith Parker (Yurok, Hupa, Karuk) and his research experience this summer with the Yakima Tribe in... |
Sustainable Futures: "Fire Exclusion on the Klamath"Sep 10 2014Kari Norgaard, professor of sociology and environmental studies, and Ron Reed, cultural biologist for the Karuk Tribe, will... |
Frustrated with a work process but don't know what to do about it?Sep 10 2014That's what the ITS Process Improvement team is all about! |
CNRS Teaching CircleSep 10 2014An informal conversation amongst colleagues interested in sharing ideas on teaching and learning. |
2014 Creating Community ReceptiionsSep 9 2014The MCC invites the campus community to a series of Creating Community Receptions open to all... |
Jump In for Success: Getting into Research EarlySep 9 2014 Dear Colleagues, Dr. Amy Sprowles and I would like your help in promoting our workshop... |
Natural Resources & Sciences Living - Faculty and Resident MixerSep 9 2014Join in for a meet-and-greet-mixer for the residents of the Natural Resources and Sciences themed residence hall.... |
Welcome ITS' new director of client servicesSep 8 2014ITS is pleased to announce the appointment of Cade Webb to the permanent responsibility of Director of Client Services, a new... |