CNRS Announcements
Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series ~ March 12Mar 9 2015All, |
Dept. of Geology - A Research Presentation (Mineralogy/Petrology Tenure-Track Search)Mar 6 2015Brandon Browne, Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Geology, Humboldt State University, presents: |
Call for Proposals -- Institute for Student Success Fall 15 and Spring 16Mar 5 2015Please post/forward to staff and faculty in your areas. |
Reporting for Advising and Course PlanningMar 4 2015Learn how to use powerful OBI reports and analysis to quickly determine course demand and outstanding... |
How to Keep your Team Focused - New Session DateMar 3 2015Do your team meetings wander off-topic? Does your agenda get hijacked by other team members? ITS has a solution for you! |
CNRS Associated Students Mixer ~ March 9Mar 3 2015CNRS Staff and Faculty, |
Science on Tap ~ March 4Mar 2 2015Science on Tap! |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 3/2/15Mar 2 2015Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 3/2/15, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series ~ March 5Mar 2 2015All, |
Mathematics Colloquium ~ March 5Mar 2 2015Hello, Math Students and all interested parties: |