CNRS Announcements
Faculty Librarian for CAHSS Campus VisitOct 19 2015The campus community is invited to join the HSU Library in welcoming three candidates for... |
HSU Library Launches Humboldt State University PressOct 19 2015HSU Library is pleased to announce that Humboldt... |
Upcoming LMS Expert Webinar: LMS TransitionsOct 19 2015At 3pm on October 23, faculty will have the opportunity to participate in the third LMS expert webinar "LMS Transitions:... |
City of Arcata Road MaintenanceOct 16 2015The City of Arcata has notified the University of planned maintenance and improvements for roads near the campus. |
Biological Sciences Seminar ~ October 16Oct 15 2015All are welcome to our seminar this week! Dr. Gilberto E. Flores, CSU Northridge, will present, "Community Ecology of the... |
Michael G. Scott Distinguished Lecture ~ October 22Oct 15 2015Colleagues: |
HSU unConference Schedule for October 23Oct 14 2015Presentations by faculty, staff and students. |
Talent Search New Parent Night-Thursday, October 15, Goodwin ForumOct 14 2015Parents of students new to the Talent Search Program will be on campus. Please give them a warm welcome. |
REPORTING STUDENTS OF CONCERNOct 14 2015This is a reminder that if staff or faculty needs to report a Student of Concern, please utilize the on-... |
Geology Colloquium - Monday, October 19, 2015 @ 5:00 PM - FH 25Oct 13 2015"Subduction Zone Earthquake Geology in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia: Using Relative Sea-Level History to Compile an Earthquake... |