CNRS Announcements
August and September SkillShopsAug 15 2016Here is the August and September SkillShop flyer. Please share with anyone in your area who would be interested in promoting... |
Interim CPS Dean Named: Dr. Chris HopperAug 15 2016I am delighted to announce that Dr. Chris Hopper has accepted appointment to the position of Interim Dean of the College of... |
ZOOM With Us on August 16th, 3:00 pm!Aug 13 2016We will be hosting a fun ZOOM session where you can play with our new video/web... |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List for Service Learning & Academic Internships 8/12/16Aug 12 2016Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 8/12/16, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Preparing Your SyllabiAug 12 2016Dear Faculty,
Course Reserves Reminder for FacultyAug 10 2016It's that time of year again! |
Library Welcome Back Open House - August 18, 3pmAug 10 2016Celebrate with the Library as we welcome the new 2016/17 school year! Thursday, August 18, 2016 ... |
Innovative Student Software Deployment Webcast 8/11/2016 at 10AMAug 5 2016Join us for our next live training with Afsaneh Hamedani, Director of Student Technology Services at Cal State Fullerton... |
Campus Paving RepairsAug 3 2016Facilities Management will be conducting paving repairs around campus between August 4th and August 12th. During this time,... |
Paving at Granite Avenue August 4 - 6Aug 2 2016Paving at Granite Avenue |