Academic Affairs Announcements
Call for Proposals -- Institute for Student Success Fall 15 and Spring 16Mar 5 2015Please post/forward to staff and faculty in your areas. |
Reporting for Advising and Course PlanningMar 4 2015Learn how to use powerful OBI reports and analysis to quickly determine course demand and outstanding... |
2015/2016 Faculty Personnel Action DatesFeb 27 2015ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM February 27, 2015 |
Mindfulness: Finding Work-Life Balance: A Mid to Late Career WorkshopFeb 25 2015Led by Dr. Jayne McGuire (KRA), this interactive exploration of mindfulness will provide a fun and safe environment for mid to... |
Call for Applications: Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to StudentsFeb 25 2015 The new Collective Bargaining Agreement established a program to “provide assigned time to faculty employees who are... |
Sabbatical Leave Informational MeetingFeb 20 2015The Professional Leave Committee invites all interested faculty to attend an informational meeting about sabbatical... |
Native American Forum FAQsFeb 13 2015A set of frequently asked questions has been prepared and is posted on the Humboldt Now page of the public web site here: |
“Potential Funding Sources in the CAH&SS”Feb 6 2015 Friday, March 6, 201512:00-1:00pmPresented by Carly Marino, Reference Librarian |
You Are Invited to the February Professional Development: Why We Do What We DoFeb 4 2015Why we do what we do; historical and philisophical perspectives on the student services profession |
YOU'RE INVITED TO OPEN FORUMS: COORDINATOR FOR LATINO/A CENTER FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCEJan 22 2015Colleagues, if your schedules accommodate, please come and meet our candidates for the position of Coordinator for the Latino/... |