Academic Affairs Announcements
African American Center for Academic Excellence EventsAug 24 2015 September 1st at 12 noon on the Quad African American and Latin@ Centers for Academic Excellence – Center Launch... |
“Asking Better Questions” – presentation by Lisa CastellinoAug 19 2015Friday, September 4, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall, College Creek |
RETENTION, TENURE & PROMOTION (RTP) WORKSHOPAug 17 2015Faculty, personnel committee members, administrators and support staff involved in RTP processes are invited to attend all or... |
Library Welcome Back Open House ~ August 19, 2015Aug 7 2015Wednesday, August 19, 2015 3pm to 4:45pm, Library Lobby Celebrate with the Library as we welcome the new 2015/16... |
HOP ORIENTATION SCHEDULES & ANNOUNCEMENTSAug 7 2015Orientation Week is August 17-21 |
Announcing New Coordinator for the MultiCultural CenterJun 30 2015It is a pleasure to announce that Amy Salinas Westmoreland has accepted the position of Coordinator of the Multicultural... |
Summer Campus ProgrammingJun 5 2015Be a Part of Summer Programs at HSU: Join the... |
Farewell Reception for Dr. Jenny ZornJun 4 2015Please join me on Friday, June 19, to offer our very best wishes to Dr. |
Commencement congratulationsMay 29 2015Colleagues, |
uDirectMay 11 2015Increasing inclusive student success is a complex challenge requiring a variety of responses, each of which is designed to... |