You must upgrade to Zoom 5.0

May 28, 2020

If you try to join a Zoom meeting after May 30, 2020 and you are not using Zoom 5.0, it will ask you to upgrade your app if it is possible on your desktop computer or mobile device. 

Follow the prompt and upgrade your Zoom application. If you are on a HSU computer, upgrade Zoom using software center (Windows) or Self Service (Mac).

If you are unable to update to client version 5.0 by May 30, you will be able to join your meeting from the web client. The web client offers many of the same meeting and webinar features as the desktop client and mobile app.

This upgrade is required to join Zoom meetings because it is adding more security to your meetings.

Please submit a helpdesk ticket for support if you are unable to upgrade.

Read more about Zoom changes.

Announcement Approvals: