The Social Responsibility Commitment: Protecting Yourself and Your Community

July 31, 2020

As members of the Humboldt State University community, all of us have a responsibility to ourselves and each other to maintain a healthy and safe environment during the pandemic. That’s why students and employees are being asked to take the Social Responsibility Commitment. 

HSU’s Commitment is a promise, similar to ones adopted by a number of other universities, to protect yourself and your community, which includes students, staff, faculty, and residents of Humboldt County. That means wearing face coverings, physical distancing, and hand-washing—some of the main ways to prevent the spread of illness. It means taking precautions on- and off-campus out of respect for the surrounding community. 

The commitment is also a reminder of accountability. Our actions can have significant, immediate effects on yourself, your loved ones and on residents who live here, and could lead to the shutdown of classes and other programs.    

Please reflect on and adhere to the Commitment below. Please do your part to protect the health and wellbeing of our campus community.


Social Responsibility Commitment

I understand that I am expected to follow HSU instructions for protecting myself and the campus community during this pandemic. I will do my part to make our campus a safe and healthy environment, even though it means sacrificing some comforts of a typical campus experience. 

  • I will self-quarantine for 14 days upon initial arrival to Humboldt County. 

  • I will wear a face covering on campus anytime I am indoors, and outdoors anytime I cannot maintain a 6 foot distance from others. I understand I will not be allowed to attend or teach my face-to-face class without wearing one.

  • I will perform daily wellness self-checks before coming onto campus (or leaving my residence hall room or apartment if I live on campus).

  • I will stay off campus (or stay in my room) if I am sick.

  • If I travel outside Humboldt County for any reason, I will quarantine for 14 days prior to returning to campus. I understand I will not be allowed to attend or teach my face-to-face class during quarantine and will be held accountable if I fail to follow these instructions.

  • I will wash my hands frequently with soap and water. When soap and water are not available, I will use hand sanitizer.

  • I will practice social distancing and follow protective guidelines when social distancing is not possible.

  • I will promptly follow directions from Humboldt County Public Health (related to testing and contact tracing).

  • I will monitor my personal health and follow medical instructions.

  • I will follow instructions for cleaning and hygiene on campus.

Thank you for adhering to the Commitment!  Be safe and be healthy. For detailed information about HSU’s Fall 2020 plans, go to

Announcement Approvals: